PACT Meeting 2020-05-08
Meeting Notes
- Questions and concerns about summer and fall? (Anthony)
- What is the plan for when will Bloomberg open again as an office space?
- How will first year students be welcomed to campus?
- Will the campus schedule or reopening schedule for fall differ from Ithaca?
- What form will fall semester take?
- Will funding for PACT be impacted by reductions in discretionary spending?
- TODO: Anthony to follow up with additional questions from PhDs.
Usual Updates
- Budget update (Travers)
- Budget cleared for 2019-2020 academic year!
- GPSA application process update (Travers)
- PACT website, calendar + task-tracking tools (Lynne)
- Lounge purchases (Natalie)
- Funding process docs (Anthony)
New Business
- Summer schedule for PACT (Anthony)
- TODO: Alane to set up a weekly Zoom TGIF over summer.