PACT Meeting – 2020-10-28
PACT Meeting – 2020-10-28

Meeting Notes Pandemic House residents now have 15 pages of printing for free per month. Old Business Cornell Tech Town Hall (Anthony) Scheduled for Wednesday, November 18th, 4:15 – 5:15

PACT Meeting – 2020-10-14
PACT Meeting – 2020-10-14

Meeting Notes Pandemic Printing Access (Anthony) Student Services says that the House will be working to set up a limited free printing service for residents only in the House lobby. 

PACT Meeting 2020-09-30
PACT Meeting 2020-09-30

Meeting Notes Pandemic Printing Access (Anthony) Spoke to Student Services and Nicki about access to printing without doing daily check if just picking up printing. A few options currently looking