Old Business Sexual Assault & Harassment Resources for Cornell Tech (Marianne) Why Title IX can be difficult Marianne met with Shakima & Dan, three goals emerged: Creating a new page
Meeting Agenda Old Business Rug and table for the lounge (Natalie can’t attend but this is what she is proposing) TODO [Lynne]: purchase these directly rather than reimbursement. Check in
Old Business Town Hall – Mental Health (Sharon & Liam) Next steps: add Liam to monthly meeting Ask Jackie around going through Cornell health to get a referral → MANTRA
Old Business PhD involvement in Tech faculty hiring proposal (Emily) JFYI, sent it to Mor; ball is in his court now to run it past the faculty Faculty CT advocate
Meeting Agenda Old Business Equipment Issues (Anthony & Yin) ORIE, ECE: there is no official policy on equipment and talk to advisors TODO [Anthony, Yin]: draft up a cleaned up
Meeting Agenda Old Business Picnic/Whale Watch (Marianne) No picnic after PhD equipments & business cards(Julia, Anthony, Yin) Got email replies from department administrative faculties except ORIE Got Google form responses
Meeting Agenda Old Business Picnic/Whale Watch (Marianne) Whale watch is all set, but 2 people cannot make it What to do about food/picnic? Do we pay for on-board food/drinks? Need
Meeting Agenda Old Business Mental Health Support in the Student Service Team (Ge) Open position right now after Sarah left TODO [Sharon]: Ping Jackie about the hiring New Business PACT
Old Business PhD Mixology (Marianne) Scheduled and happening today! New Business DEI committee (Ge) Mor is looking for a PhD student to serve on the DEI committee. In the first
Old Business Social Events (Marianne) Zoom-based cocktail “class.” Non-alcoholic cocktail mixers. Aiming for the end of May. Outdoor movie night. Town Hall Items (Ge) Got offline follow-up from the dean’s
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