Student letter regarding Diversity and Inclusion and campus environment issue. (Emily)
TODO [Emily]: Look into whether to release the letter to a broader audience.
Town Hall items. (Emily)
House billing issues.
Fall semester.
Maternity accommodations/childcare
Remote access to classes.
TODO [Ge]: Follow up with Dean’s office and Student Services.
New Business
Cornell Tech Wellness Activities (Sharon)
Met with student advisory wellness panel – comprised of PhD, masters/MBA students to talk about wellness ideas and community activities
Suggestions included: activity-based events (e.g. sending coloring kits, henna workshop), care packages, both remote and in-person events, having the tech clusters be smaller and 1:1 (hard to schedule time otherwise)
Next steps [Sharon]: Will meet with Sarah to discuss activities (PhD-focused events, ask what should student services fund vs. PACT), care packages with PACT funding, on-campus restrictions follow-up with Sarah
Next steps [Marianne]: Look into activities which spend money.