Old Business PhD involvement in Tech faculty hiring proposal (Emily) JFYI, sent it to Mor; ball is in his court now to run it past the faculty Faculty CT advocate
Meeting Agenda Old Business Equipment Issues (Anthony & Yin) ORIE, ECE: there is no official policy on equipment and talk to advisors TODO [Anthony, Yin]: draft up a cleaned up
Meeting Agenda Old Business Picnic/Whale Watch (Marianne) No picnic after PhD equipments & business cards(Julia, Anthony, Yin) Got email replies from department administrative faculties except ORIE Got Google form responses
Meeting Agenda Old Business Picnic/Whale Watch (Marianne) Whale watch is all set, but 2 people cannot make it What to do about food/picnic? Do we pay for on-board food/drinks? Need
Meeting Agenda Old Business Mental Health Support in the Student Service Team (Ge) Open position right now after Sarah left TODO [Sharon]: Ping Jackie about the hiring New Business PACT
Old Business PhD Mixology (Marianne) Scheduled and happening today! New Business DEI committee (Ge) Mor is looking for a PhD student to serve on the DEI committee. In the first
Old Business Social Events (Marianne) Zoom-based cocktail “class.” Non-alcoholic cocktail mixers. Aiming for the end of May. Outdoor movie night. Town Hall Items (Ge) Got offline follow-up from the dean’s
Meeting Agenda Old Business Student letter regarding Diversity and Inclusion and campus environment issue. (Emily) TODO [Emily]: Look into whether to release the letter to a broader audience. Town Hall
Meeting Agenda Old Business GPSA Funding (Anthony) Passed Resolution 17 which places PACT on passthrough funding, allows for byline organizations to serve Tech, and makes it easier for organizations to
Pandemic Fall Semester Plans (Marianne) Assumption is that Tech will be in person in Fall 2021. Will follow up in Town Hall. Old Business Donut Social Matching (Marianne) Set it
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