PACT Meeting 2020-09-30
PACT Meeting 2020-09-30

Meeting Notes


  • Printing Access (Anthony)
    • Spoke to Student Services and Nicki about access to printing without doing daily check if just picking up printing.
    • A few options currently looking into:
      • Outside-accessible printer or print pickup in Bloomberg or Tata.
      • Printer in common area of House.
      • Printer managed by a House resident in an apartment.
      • Encouraging students to purchase printers with advisors’ money.

Old Business

  • List of Tech-Based PhD Students (Alane/Natalie)
    • Alane was able to get a list of new CS and IS PhD students and has added them to the appropriate Slack channels.
  • House Experiences with COVID-19 (Alane)
    • A summary document of House concerns has been created.
    • TODO [Anthony]: Share document with Student Services.
  • Meeting Requirements due to COVID-19 (Natalie)
    • Online social event registered with Campus and Community Engagement (Karli).
    • Awaiting response.
  • Snack Social Update (Anthony)
    • About 22 RVSPed participants so far.
    • TODO [Anthony]: Mail out snacks.

New Business

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