PACT Meeting – 2021-10-01
PACT Meeting – 2021-10-01

Meeting Agenda

Old Business

  • Picnic/Whale Watch (Marianne)
    • No picnic after
  • PhD equipments & business cards(Julia, Anthony, Yin)
    • Got email replies from department administrative faculties except ORIE
    • Got Google form responses from PhD slack
    • TODO [Anthony, Yin, Julia]: To follow up, aggregate the survey, publish it, then collect more responses from students. doc
  • Headshots  (Sharon)
      • Staff asked PACT to involve masters in order to get campus-wise funding 
      • TODO [Sharon]: 
        • Find photographer volunteers from our students, or cheap freelancers
        • Push administrative staff to take over
  • Get help from faculty(PhD Life Committee Members)
    • Nicki Dell (IS)
    • Thomas Ristenpart (CS)
    • Anna Scaglione (ECE)
    • Nathan Kallus (ORIE)
  • On-campus flu shot clinics (Ge)
    • Not gonna happen

New Business

  • TGIF  (Marianne)
    • No many first-years showed up in TGIF
    • TODO [Marianne]: Send out a reminder
  • PhD lounge furniture (Natalie)
    • Shopping list: rug, coffee table, sofa, cushion (fireproof), etc.
    • Budget: ~2k$
    • TODO [Natalie]: List some prior items based on the budget


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