Meeting Agenda Old Business Student letter regarding Diversity and Inclusion and campus environment issue. (Emily) TODO [Emily]: Look into whether to release the letter to a broader audience. Town Hall
Meeting Agenda Old Business GPSA Funding (Anthony) Passed Resolution 17 which places PACT on passthrough funding, allows for byline organizations to serve Tech, and makes it easier for organizations to
Pandemic Fall Semester Plans (Marianne) Assumption is that Tech will be in person in Fall 2021. Will follow up in Town Hall. Old Business Donut Social Matching (Marianne) Set it
Meeting Notes Old Business Funding Updates from the meeting with GPSA leadership 3 meetings with GPSA so far Byline method: PACT is preparing the byline application as a backup this
Meeting Notes Old Business Funding (Ge/Lin?) Streamline the funding from university so that we don’t have to go through applications TODO [Lin]: Prepare the application for the next cycle TODO
Our 2021 PACT board was approved by 14 voters. Congratulations and welcome to our incoming officers! President: Ge Gao (CS) Treasurer: Yin Li (IS) Social Delegator: Marianne Aubin le Quere
Meeting Notes Old Business GPSA Byline Application (Travers) No update from either Director of Office of Assemblies and master students. TODO [Travers]: E-mail GPSA FC for guidance. New Business Elections
Time Keeper / Moderator: Anthony 0. Updates from Administration Specifically around Title IX. Notes: Started PhD TA evaluations for the first time. So TAs based in Tech should start seeing
Meeting Notes Pandemic House residents now have 15 pages of printing for free per month. Old Business Cornell Tech Town Hall (Anthony) Scheduled for Wednesday, November 18th, 4:15 – 5:15
Meeting Notes Pandemic Printing Access (Anthony) Student Services says that the House will be working to set up a limited free printing service for residents only in the House lobby.
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